Exotic Chicken Breeds: All You Need To Know

Exotic chicken

Today, exotic chicken make up the majority of all breeds found in the United States. The term “exotic” means anything that was imported and not indigenous. These chickens were chosen either for their egg laying abilities, meat, fancy appearance, hardiness…

Onagadori: Everything You Need To Know

Are Onagadori chickens hardy?

The Onagadori is one of the oldest chicken breeds that trace their ancestry in Japan. These long tailed chickens are very rare and you will be very lucky to come across one today. Few dedicated breeders today have these birds…

Chicken Bullying: Ways to Stop Chickens Pecking

Chicken bullying is common especially when several assertive breeds are integrated together. It normally starts like a simple game of pecking but finally ends up messy. Bullying can be disastrous and even result in death if not mitigated. Rowdy hens…

Chicken Treats: All You Need To Know

Chicken treats are a good way to appreciate and make your pet chickens happy. Treats can either be foods, gifts and other things that can make your birds happy. Most people only think that chicken treats are food stuffs. This…

High Protein Foods For Molting Chickens

High protein foods for molting chickens

Chickens require protein in their bodies just like we do. Protein is very essential to their health and need it in the right amount. So, what are some of the high protein foods for molting chickens? There are a host…

Delaware Chicken: What You Need To Know

Delaware chicken

The Delaware chicken is one of the best breeds of chicken I have ever come across. This breed is not only eye cuddly but also friendly and good with kids and bird hobbyists. These chickens are hardy and can do…

Chicken Wormer: Everything You Need To Know

A good chicken wormer will help get rid of your chicken worms. Wormers are either administered in chicken feeds, water or through injections. Chickens love to forage and will roam far and wide on the backyard. Here, they will collect…

Chicken Predators: Everything You Need To Know

chicken predators

Chicken predators are some of the worst guests that can pay a visit to your flock. They are mean, destructive and can wipe out an entire flock. These predators are more common to those living near the woods, forests and…

Can Chickens Eat Blueberries?

Can chickens eat blueberries?

There are a host of treats that are good for chickens to eat. They include many types of fruits, vegetables, cereals and some of the food we eat. So, can chickens eat blueberries? Chickens are not choosy when it comes…